Parkour Test Game

  1. What should the setting be?
  2. Should there be any other mechanics?

Current Mechanics

  1. Run - speeds up to slide
  2. Jump
  3. Crouch + Slide

Setting Ideas

  1. Sci-Fi Mining Planet

    Explore an planet that once hosted a large mining colony, but is now entirely empty and forgotten... what will you discover?

  2. Dream-Like Purgatory

    Drift through levels where there are no rules. The vibes are dreamlike, where waking life is broken up by the vastness of this dreamworld

  3. Ancient Ruins

    Explore ancient ruins of a civilization, one that is far more advanced than one might assume...

  4. Robot Factory

    You wake up as a robot in your own factory. Explore and make an escape for the outside world. (this story gives me portal vibes)

What mechanics would be used in these?

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